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Puerto Princesa,Feb.01-The Philippines has been chosen by the biggest travel operator in Eastern Europe, ESO Travel, as the exotic destination in Asia where Eastern Europe jet-setters could escape from their freezing winters and enjoy the sun, the sand and the sea.
ESO Travel will start its marketing promotion by staging the pre-pageant activities of the ten finalists of the Ms. Czech Republic in Pasay, Puerto Princesa, Cebu and Subic Bay Freeport Zone from January 24 to February 5. Its local partner is AAP Travel, a subsidiary of the Automobile Association of the Philippines.
Ambassador Evelyn Garcia, the Philippine ambassador to the Czech Republic, said the Department of Tourism and the Department of Foreign Affairs, ESO Travel and AAP Travel are the organizers of the event.
“The experiences of the Czech finalist with the hospitality, friendliness, culture of Filipinos and our natural tourism attractions will be covered by Czech media and widely televised in Eastern Europe,” said Ambassador Garcia.
The Philippines will be in the vacation radar of the Czech travelers, she said, when the Czechs read, listen and see the finalist experiencing what we mean when we say it is much more fun in the Philippines.
“Among the Czechs, major influences in choosing a travel destination are the warm weather, recommendations of friends and television programs,” she said. “The luxury Czech segment loves a place that is safe, with a lot of sun and smiling people and where can eat, party , drink beer and be merry under the sun.”
The DOT, DFA, local governments and the private sector are welcoming the finalist and have prepared for their stay in host cities Pasay, Puerto Princesa, Cebu, and Subic Bay Freeport zone. Major partners in this endeavor are PGA Cars, Inc., San Miguel Brewery and Philippine Airlines.
An advance team already arrived last January 18. It included the film director and production crew to look over the sites. The main party arrived last January 24 together with Czech journalist from major newspapers, radio and television stations and social media sites.
Ambassador Garcia said that the Underground River was specified by Czech organizers as a must-see destination.
“The Czechs have a connection with the Underground River,” she said. “The Czechs’ support to vote the Underground River as one of the New Wonders of the World was overwhelming.”
The friendship with the Czechs dates back to the friendship between Dr. Jose Rizal and Mr. Ferdinand Blumentritt, she said. The Czechs are also supporting the conservation of tarsier in Bohol.

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