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Puerto Princesa City, November 29, 2012 - The improved showing of Edward S. Hagedorn in the November tracking survey of StratPOLLS indicates that performance of local government officials can influence voters in the coming senatorial elections.

Hagedorn was already No. 14 in the October tracking survey of StratPolls with 25 percent but leapfrogged to Nos. 9 to 11 in the survey conducted November 5 to 12, notching 37%.

According to the survey, his big gain has been attributed to his being an endorser of a money delivery service in a television advertisement.

The National Executive Board of the League of Cities of the Philippines has also endorsed the senatorial candidacy of Hagedorn, approving a resolution to support his bid in the 2013 elections during the 50th NEB meeting on October 20 in Bacolod City as attested by Secretary General and Alaminos City Mayor Hernani Braganza and National President and San Fernando City Mayor Oscar Rodriguez.

In the Resolution, the LCP said it recognizes the outstanding contribution of Hagedorn in the field of local governance, with trailblazing reforms and programs particularly in environment advocacy and eco-tourism. (Cheryl A. Galili - The Palawan Times)


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