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The Puerto Princesa and Palawan Seaweed Network held its year-end organizational planning meeting on November 29, 2018 to discuss the group’s key accomplishments and planned activities for next year. Among its achievements are the 1) conduct of the 1st Seaweed Network Summit which resulted in a partnership with the Seaweed Industry Association of the Philippines (SIAP) and market linkages with SIAP-member firms; 2) conduct of capacity-building activities for its member-associations and distribution of farm inputs for member-growers; 3) establishment and monitoring of an online price information system; and 4) expansion of the mariculture zone in Puerto Princesa approved under the city’s Development Control and Environmental Protection Committee Resolution No. 42-2017, which increased the existing exclusive fishery privilege to an estimated 1,000 hectares covering 12 barangays. USAID’s Strengthening Urban Resilience for Growth with Equity (SURGE) Project will continue to support the network and its planned activities for the upcoming year. Among the network’s planned activities are the 1) 2nd Seaweed Summit in March 2019, which will feature a technology fair of seaweed farming technologies and best practices; 2) technical assistance on site management for seaweed farm tourism and community-based sustainable tourism projects; and 3) formulation of a mutually-agreed dried seaweed quality standards among growers and buyers. The network also plans to increase the productivity of seaweed growers through the establishment of post-harvest facilities and a tissue culture laboratory to produce disease-free planting materials. Moreover, USAID/SURGE is providing technical assistance to the local government of Puerto Princesa and the Seaweed Network by promoting standardized post-harvest practices and value-addition, and farming of alternative seaweed species such as the caulerpa for the local food market.
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