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Seventeen (17) community-based sustainable tourism (CBST) associations in Puerto Princesa City now have their respective five-year CBST Development and Management Plan after participating in a workshop on tourism development and management planning organized by USAID’s Strengthening Urban Resilience for Growth with Equity (SURGE) Project on October 28 to 29, 2019. The 68 participants from the 17 CBST associations learned about the importance of sustainable development which helped them envision the changes in their communities in ten years. As a guide, they were introduced to the VICE (Visitor, Industry, Community, Environment) Framework for their strategies in achieving their goals and plans for their community. As next steps, the CBSTs will develop their circuit plans and submit their marketing profiles to the City Tourism Office. USAID/SURGE supports the Puerto Princesa City government in sustaining the livelihoods and socio-cultural traditions of the communities and protecting natural and cultural heritage resources by strengthening the capacity of CBSTs to sustainably manage tourism destinations.
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