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MANILA, Dec.24 (PIA) -- The National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA) has approved two infrastructure projects that will enhance the Philippines’ quality of education and trade activities in Southeast Asia.

These projects are the Public-Private Partnership for School Infrastructure Project (PSIP) and the Puerto Princesa Airport Development Project (PPADP).

The PSIP will construct a total of 9,623 classrooms within one-storey and two-storey buildings for 2,300 elementary and secondary schools in Regions I (Ilocos), III (Central Luzon), and IV-A (CALABARZON).

“The project will expand the supply of classrooms in all public school system in the shortest time possible and solve the current shortages nationwide,” Socioeconomic Planning Secretary Cayetano W. Paderanga Jr. said.

He also said that in the long run, the PSIP could help balance the supply and demand of classrooms within 10 years and eliminate the backlogs and shortages considering the implementation of the K+12 program, among others.

Given the current classroom shortage of 66,800 units that is projected to balloon to about 150,000 by 2016, it is estimated that around 30,000 classrooms are needed annually within the next five years.

“The proposal to carry out the project within the Public-Private Partnership framework is expected to fast-track the construction and delivery of classrooms, reduce cost for government and introduce innovation in design, construction methods and new materials,” said Paderanga, who is also NEDA director general.

The PSIP, which will be implemented by the Department of Education, is estimated to have a total project cost of P9.89 billion.

Meanwhile, the PPADP aims to improve the existing Puerto Princesa Airport through the construction of several infrastructure enhancements inside and within the periphery of the airport.

These constructions include a new passenger terminal complex, a new access road off the national highway of Puerto Princesa City, widening of the runway strip, and installation of new security fencing, among others.

The project revitalizes the transport and trade linkages under the Brunei Darussalam, Indonesia, Malaysia, and the Philippines-East ASEAN Growth Area or BIMP-EAGA.

Also, the improvements will make the Puerto Princesa Airport compliant with the standards and recommended practices of the International Civil Aviation Organization.

The total cost of the PPADP, which is under the Official Development Assistance (ODA) financing of the Korean Economic Development Cooperation Fund (EDCF), is estimated at P4.46 billion. The project’s proponent is the Department of Transportation and Communication, which is headed by Secretary Manuel “Mar” Roxas II.

by Jerome Carlo R. Paunan (NEDA/RJB/JCP-PIA NCR)


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