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On November 20, 2018, the Puerto Princesa City Asset Management Technical Working Group (TWG) met with representatives of the Puerto Princesa City Commission on Audit (COA) and the City Registry of Deeds under the Land Registration Administration to discuss issues on procedural requirements in the acquisition and disposal of assets including delinquent properties. As a resolution, the TWG came up with the following strategies: 1) allow utilization of government funds in the payment of taxes, fees and penalties; 2) issuance of a resolution authorizing the city mayor to dispose government owned real property assets; 3) set up the Asset Management Appraisal Committee for valuation of assets with re-appraisal from COA; 4) address road right-of-way concerns; and 5) secure exemption for back taxes with the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR). COA Auditor Rudolph Garraes commended the asset management initiative of the city government. For the next steps, the TWG will develop the procedure and process flow in undertaking sale of properties and prepare a resolution for the donor’s tax exemption. USAID’s Strengthening Urban Resilience for Growth with Equity (SURGE) Project continues to build the capacity of the Puerto Princesa City government in asset management to boost the generation of local revenue.
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