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PUERTO PRINCESA CITY, Palawan, Feb. 2 (PIA) -- The Department of Health allots P2.4 million for the improvement of TB-Directly Observed TB Short course (DOTS) facility centers in 12 municipalities in Palawan.

This improvement project is part of the National Tuberculosis Control Program to help health facilities meet standards for its accreditation under the Philippine Health Insurance (PhilHealth).

One of the benefits of a Philhealth-accredited DOTS center is the reimbursement of P4,000 by PhilHealth to the facility for every TB patient served who is a PhilHealth member. This is apart from the free TB drugs provided by the DOH.

Philhealth provides three years accreditation of DOTS facilities, public or private, as providers of outpatient TB-DOTS package, giving assurance to patients of quality service.

For Palawan, each DOTS facility center in the 12 municipalities will receive P200,000 assistance which may be used to augment its existing facilities to ensure prompt detection and effective treatment of TB cases.

The 12 municipalities to be granted the P200,000 assistance are Balabac, Bataraza, Sofronio Española, Aborlan, Rizal, Araceli, Dumaran, Cagayancillo, Taytay, El Nido, Busuanga and Linapacan.

DOH and Philhealth have set standards for accreditation. At present, only the TB-DOTS center in San Vicente, Brooke’s Point and Narra municipalities are accredited by Philhealth.

By Victoria Asuncion S. Mendoza (LBR/VSM/PIA-Palawan)


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